Motorcycle Accidents
Florida Motorcycle Accident Attorney
A motorcycle accident can cause devastating injuries to the motorcycle rider as well as others who are involved in the crash. An accident attorney who handles road accident cases and vehicle crashes can help those involved investigate the accident, obtain and preserve key and often critical evidence and obtain the compensation they deserve for their injuries.
Because of the likelihood of serious injury in a motorcycle accident, the accident will be analyzed carefully by the investigating police and the insurance company involved. The purpose of the close examination of the accident is to understand who is responsible for the accident. The investigation will involve interviewing witnesses, gathering the evidence, talking to the persons involved, taking photographs of the accident scene and the cars and motorcycle involved and even measuring marks on the road way. A reputable motorcycle accident attorney is important so that the victims are protected, compensated and taken care of. The attorney will focus on two main issues: Who was at Fault or Negligent in causing the accident. And what are the injuries and damages suffered by the victim or victims. This is necessary to determine the amount of compensation that should be paid to the victim or victims that suffered serious injury because of the accident.
The determination of liability or who was at fault for the accident depends on the severity of the accident, what the witnesses say, the weather condition at the time of the crash, and the speed of the cars and motorcycles involved. Sometimes, the condition of the road plays a factor, especially if there was road construction going on at the time of the accident. Liability involves figuring out who or what caused the accident. Often the driver of a car or a motorcycle may be speeding or may violate the traffic laws knowingly or unknowingly. If an accident occurred because the other person disobeyed a traffic law, there may be penalties for both parties involved. An accident attorney may have a very difficult job determining who was at fault in an accident. Many instances, more than one person may be responsible for causing the accident. Sometimes more than one factor causes or contributes to the accident. If this seems to be the case, then the accident must be studied to see who is most responsible and who is less responsible. Responsibility for the accident is a key determination. Motorcycle accidents, just as car and truck accidents, may require this thorough analysis to determine who was at fault. This analysis will be done through both the accident attorney’s office and any insurance companies involved.
At Roselli and Associates, a Florida accident attorney will handle the case with the care and diligence necessary to obtain the most accurate and complete information and evidence. Since every accident is different, each case is evaluated to determine what person should take the blame. At the same time, it is necessary for the accident attorney at Roselli and Associates to determine the nature and extent of the injuries suffered by the person involved in the accident. This understanding is necessary to determine the amount of compensation the victim deserves.
The physical injuries are just one aspect of the damages suffered by a victim of a motorcycle accident. There are other damages including loss of income, mounting medical bill, the cost of future medical care and medical treatment and other expenses that the victim would not have but for the accident. A child, husband or wife and other family members or dependents of the person injured in an accident often suffer as well. An assessment of damages for a victim in a motorcycle accident needs to be done in a thorough, quick and efficient manner. The biggest worry is the bodily injury suffered by the accident victim. The motorcycle driver and any riders on the motorcycle or persons in any car involved may have required medical treatment or go to a hospital. Because motorcycle riders are not required to wear a motorcycle helmet or protective headgear while they are driving a motorcycle crash can often result in a head injury or traumatic brain damage, which can result in traumatic head injuries. Because of the unprotected nature of a motorcycle, a motorcycle accident frequently causes severe injury and even death. Compensation for other losses may also be needed following a motorcycle accident and the accident attorneys at Roselli and Associates will assess these other losses as well. This includes looking at damage to property in the accident, such as to other cars or trucks and sometimes to structures located near the accident scene such as a house, buildings, trees or a fence.
The accident attorney at Roselli and Associates will also try to get compensation for lost income or wages if the client has missed time from work and money compensation for pain and suffering, if the victim is physically injured. The accident attorney will also obtain all of the medical bills incurred due to the injuries and treatment. This includes bills from the Fire Rescue, EMS, Emergency Room, Hospital, Radiologist and the treating doctors such as the Orthopedic Surgeon, Chiropractor, Neurologist and sometimes a Neurosurgeon if there is a traumatic brain injury. The medical bills can be covered by the clients own insurance or the insurance of the other persons. If the other person, company or insurance company is unwilling to pay money for the injuries and damages suffered by the accident victim then oftentimes it is necessary to file a lawsuit against the driver of the car, truck or motorcycle that caused the accident and obtain a court judgment against the person or company that is responsible for the accident and the injuries suffered by the client who is a victim of an accident.
An experienced motorcycle accident attorney will work hard to win money compensation for the client and get the best result and recovery possible. If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death because of a motorcycle accident in Florida, including Fort Lauderdale, hiring a professional accident attorney is the best course of action. Contact us now for a Free consultation. We are ready to help!! Se Habla Español
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